Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Qualities of a best friend.

There are many qualities that I look for when I think of a best friend.  To me, a friend is someone who is always willing to talk to you, whenever, whatever the time or topic.  It is very important in life to have many friends who you can trust with everything you tell them.  I look for a lot in a best friend, and I am completely aware that not always is everyone going to have each and every one of these qualities.

The first few qualities of someone that I look for in a best friend is respectfullness, and caring.  In my life, it is important that I know people who respect me and themselves.  I need someone that cares about me and the choices that I make.  Both of these qualities also come under the category of someone to talk to.  When I need to talk to my best friend, I need her to just listen sometimes, not interupt me; but just listen.  Sometimes when I talk to my best friend, all I need is advice to pull through something that is bothering me in my life.  I need someone who is there with me through any event that I have in my life. 

The next quality that I think is critical in a best friend is honesty.  If I am going to be friends with someone, they need to be honest with me, what good does it do if all they are going to do is lie right to my face?  I don't see any good out of that.  I want honest opinions about the choices I make, and the things I do.  My best friend gives me this and I give her this.

Friendship is important to each and every person in life.  The friends that you hang out with can change your life in an instance.  I'm very glad I have the friends that I do.  Finally: "Friendship isn't a big thing-it's a million little things."  (Author: Unknown)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Favorite Hobby!

I really have two hobbies that I enjoy to do very much.  These two are dancing and running.  It's hard to pick a favorite, but if I had to only choose one, it would definately be running.  I never loved running until about September of  2010.  Even though I'm not the fastest I still love doing it and I love all of the benefits from running.

By deciding to run Cross Country in the fall, I have met many new people and became good friends with a few of them.  I loved many things about cross country, but my favorite part about it was the team.  Everyone was so friendly to everyone.  Simply, we were all just one big happy family.  That's the easiest way to describe our team.

Another thing I enjoy about running is the good feelings you get after the run.  Whenever I have a bad day or if I am in a bad mood it seems like I can always count on a run to get rid of those bad feelings from the day.  Right now, I'm not able to run because I have a messed up foot; and let me tell you it is killing me.  I LOVE running and I really want to CONTINUE running!

Even though running can cause soarness and pain-its a good kind of running pain.  I don't think there is such thing as a pain-free run.  Although, I will repeate one thing for sure running is definately my favorite hobby!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

In the future..I Picture myself as......

In about twenty years, I picture my life very successful and me enjoying every moment of it-just as I do now.  I picture myself that I will be graduated out of college and I will be working.  At this point in my life I hope to be a teacher.  That could change, as I do not know for sure what college I will have attended and where I will be living.  I do want to live in my own house, sharing it with my husband, because I want to get married.  I'm not so positive on this thought yet, but it might be nice to have one child at this point.  If it is a girl, I would want to name her Catherine, Allison-and call her Alli for short, or Katie.  These are my three favorite girl names.  I know for sure that I don't have any favorite boy names right now.

Shortly after I graduate from college, I want to be living in my dream house.  This would be the house that I hire someone to build, and that I would design/decorate myself.  I have a huge plan for my dream house, but it would cost so much money to build and decorate.  One of my favorite TV channels to watch is HGTV, which I watch almost whenever I have free time (which has been limited lately).  This is almost a "bad habit" because it is constantly giving me ideas to add onto my long list. 

Another thing I have myself pictured accomplished is running my first marathon and ultra marathon.  When I get older, I plan to be a big runner.  I want to run my first marathon either in college, or shortly after I graduate college.  If you are wondering and don't know what an ultra marathon is it is a race that is any distance longer that 26.2 miles.  This could be around 32 miles or more.  My dad has run a few of these races, and it seems like it would be so much fun!  I have also read a book a few months ago, and it described another type of race to run.  It is 50 miles, and you get to have a team.  The team consists of two runners and a horse.  One member rides the horse a few miles up the trail, ties it up, and continues running, while the other runner runs up to the horse, unties it and rides it past the first runner, then ties it up..ect.  This goes on for 50 miles, and there are various stops on the way.  Some of these include aid stations for the runners, and health checking stations for the horses.  This is one race that I wish to participate in, even though I don't even know where these kinds of races are hosted, how you get a horse, and how you register.

I believe that the future I have planned is pretty solid.  I don't know how much of this will actually fall through, since we all know that things change.  Who knows how much or if all of this will even be true.  There isn't anything I can even be positive about.  I don't know if I will have my dream house-I bet I won't.  I don't know if I'll even be able to run-who knows what could happen?  Maybe I'll end up getting hurt?  And maybe I won't even be married at this point in my life, therefore I wouldn't have any kids.  I think though, that if there is one thing that is the MOST promising, it would be my ability to run.  Even if I don't do the major marathons and races, I can still count on running on my own.  I can also count on enjoying this too.  :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

If I could Meet Anyone...

If there is one person who I could meet dead or alive, it would be one of my favorite country music singers.  The only kind of music I listen to is country.  So, my one of my favorite artists is Taylor Swift.  A few years ago, I went to see Taylor Swift in concert with one of my best friends.  This was one of the best nights I have ever had.

One of the reasons that Taylor Swift is one of my favorite country artists is because I believe that she is a very inspirational person.  I love the music she writes and I think that she has some very catchy music.  From what I know about Taylor Swift, is it seems like she has been through a lot during her lifetime.  One thing I have learned from her, is that through any hard or tough time you are having, if you have the right friends there for you, you can get through anything.  I think that this is so true, too.  Taylor Swift is young and when she was around thirteen she never thought that she was going to make her dream of becoming a singer come true.  But, from where she is now; the huge message that everyone can learn is to never stop dreaming about what you want to do in life. 

Taylor Swift has written many songs and she has earned so many award for all of her accomplishments.  To repeat again, but I strongly believe that this is true: If you follow your dreams they will come true...eventually.  There are many instances in the world with other people that this has happened to.  Even if your dream is small or large, it will come true someday--even if only in your sleep! 

Therefore, the person who I wish I could meet-alive-is Taylor Swift.  I wish to meet her because I believe that she is a very inspirational country music writer.  She is also one of my favorites.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

If I were President......

If I was President of the United States and I could change something I
would change the alchol rule.  I don't know the exact law on this, but
I do know that it is illegal for anyone under the age of twenty one to
buy, sell, or have possesion of alcohol.

The parts that I would change on this law is that if you are going to
a public place-a bar service-for example, it would be illegal for a
person to walk out of the doors of the bar drunk.  This would
eliminate the cause of death by drunk driving or the death of others
by drunk driving.

Another part of this law that I would want to change is the times that
bars close. I know that recently, there was a change in the laws that
bars were able to stay open until two a.m.  When I found out about
this I did not think it was right.  Ater all, who needs to be out at
two in the morning??  You should be sleeping at that time!  The change
I would make in this law would be that bars should close at a sooner
time, but if they are to close at that late at night, the bars need to
stop selling alcholic beverages at around eleven thirty.  I think that
even eleven thirty is a little bit late to be out at.

To finalize, I don't think that bars should be open as late during the
night and I also don't think that people need to be driving around
town at two in the morning.  To repeat, I don't know much about laws,
and I'm not certain about the law pertaining to this topic.  But, I
just strongly dislike hearing stories all the time on the news about
accidents that relate to alcohol, and drunk-driving, that could easily
be eliminated.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Movie Character I am most like..

One of my favorite movies is The Note.  Not very many people I know have heard about this movie.  It is about a reporter who finds a note that washed up to shore after a plane crash.  On the note, it said something along the lines of:
                                All is Forgiven.
                                  Love, Dad
So the reporter, who writes a column called the "Heart Healer" decides to go on a hunt and find out who this note belongs to.

On the reporter's adventure, she doesn't find anyone with a name that starts with T whose father was on the plane that crashed.  Suddenly, she meets up with a young lady who believes that the note belongs to her.  Although, her name did not start with "T"; the nickname her dad called her was Tag or Tag-a-long. 

I think I am most like the girl who the note belonged to not because of the people that were or were not in her life.  I think I am most like her because of her great respect for others and for how caring she was towards everyone/everything.  I would consider myself caring and I really do care about other people.  This is an important part in my life.

To repeat, I believe that I am most like the young lady who the note belongs to.  She lives a good and solid life.  She also has some qualities that I see in myself.  Many of these similar qualities I see in her and in me are ones that I think are important in every person.  One of my favorite movies is The Note, so this is the reason that I chose the owner of the note as the character I am most like.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Hero..

It seems like it took me a while to figure out who my hero is.  It just came to me as I was walking up the stairs to start my other homework.  Once it came to me I felt like wow, that was really obvious.  Right now, I'm sure you're thinking, just tell me who it is already!  I know that's probably what I would be thinking.  Well, I'm going to make you wait just a few more minutes...

First, I'm going to describe my hero, towards the middle I will reveal who my hero actually is.  My hero is someone who I see every day and talk to almost everyday.  She is one of the nicest people I know even though we both have our arguments.  My hero is someone who is extremely caring, compassionate, loving, and funny.  I have spent so much time with her in the past year, more than usual.  Even though she isn't the best at giving advice yet in life we both talk out our problems to each other.  We share many memories and have done so many things together.  I am going to assume that once I tell who my hero is you are going to be very supprised.  I remeber all the times we have hated each other, all the times we have helped each other, and all the fun times we have had with each other.  Honestly, I don't think I would be able to survive if I didn't know my hero, and I know that is saying alot but it is very true. 

Here it hero is my younger sister, Megan.  This is so true, but I also think that many people would be suprised.  Even though Megan is younger than me she is a great person to talk to and to have fun with.  Although one down side of her being younger is she can't give the best advice no matter how hard she tries, but this is only because she is three years younger than me, and has not expeirenced what high school is like.  She has helped me through some of my problems and believe me, I have helped her through many of her problems.  Over the summer (last year) Megan and I grew very close in our relationship.  We got the house to ourselves every morning until about noon.  There is so much that you can do in just one morning.  I don't even know how to explain all the fun things that happened that summer with her.  All I know is that so far, last summer has been one of the best summers I have had. 

Even though my hero isn't my best friend, a team mate, my mom, or my dad.  My hero is my sister, one of the most important people in my life.  My sister is someone who I can tell ANYTHING to.  Megan is one of the most special people in my life and I Love her so much!